Five-One: Six-player offensive system where a single designated setter sets regardless of court position.Dump: A surprise attack usually executed by a front row setter to catch the defense off guard many times executed with the left hand, sometimes with the right, aimed at the donut or area 4 on the court.D.S.: The abbreviation for "defensive specialist", a position player similar to the libero who is skilled at back row defense.Double contact or Double touch: A fault in which a player contacts the ball with two body parts consecutively.The player digs the ball when it is coming at a downward trajectory Arms can be in a platform position or in a overhead position like a set. Dig: A defensive contact following an opponent's attack resulting in a playable ball.Cut shot or cutty: attack with an extreme angle (nearly parallel to the net).Cross-court shot: An individual attack directed at an angle from one end of the offensive team's side of the net to the opposite sideline of the defensive team's court.Even in the present scoring system, these are the points that really count, as the side outs cancel each other In the scoring system prior to 1999, these were the only scored points (except for sanction points). Breakpoint: A point scored on the team's own serve.
Attack: Usually the third of a team's three contacts, an attack is any attempt by the offense to score a point against the defense (this does not include free balls or over-passes).Assist: Usually the second of a team's three contacts, an assist is awarded for any set ball that results in a kill on the ensuing attack.Ace: A serve which lands in the opponent's court without being touched, or is touched but unable to be kept in play by one or more receiving team players.